Saturday, February 19, 2011

Hope Climbing with a Silver Lining, 2011

Hope Climbing with a Silver Lining, 2011

Hope Climbing with a Silver Lining was custom designed for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer Cause. The piece captures shades of pink stained glass traveling up a silver lined path representing the energy, hope, and strength of the cause that touches each of our hearts. Different shades, textures, sizes, and shapes of pink glass represent the uniqueness of each individual who is part of this great cause to find a cure.

This particular piece came together quickly with a natural energy in parallel with its inspiration of a strong mother, daughter, and family.

[Stained glass and grout on wood, 11 in. x 24 in.]

TradingPartners Values Mural, 2010

TradingPartners Values Mural, 2010

The TradingPartners Values Mural was designed and installed in the TradingPartners’ Chicago office. The mural represents the five company values: one company, ambitious, set the example, we care, and it’s fun. Along with the values, the design was focused on the overall themes of the company’s people centric culture and people-driven business where the five values are used for working together as a team and as a guide for client relationships.

The values are represented by five larger outlined figures, supported by images of company events or milestones. For example, the Hammersmith sign represents the first company office in London, and the skyline is composed of buildings representing each city where an office of the company resides. The skyline is wrapped with a crowd of people cheering for runners, representing the charity half-marathon where TradingPartners’ employees both run and support each other.

The mural sits on the hallway wall of the Chicago office.

[15ft. x 8ft.]